A comparative analysis of medically released men and women from the Canadian Armed Forces

Abstract: Introduction: Musculoskeletal (MSK) injuries and mental health (MH) disorders are the leading causes of medical attrition in the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF). Historically, medical attrition rates have been higher for women than men. In order to better understand the medical release trends of men and women, a descriptive analysis of the medical reasons for release was undertaken. Methods: Administrative data sources within the Department of National Defence were used to identify medically released personnel together with their primary medical diagnosis and demographic characteristics, including sex, age, and rank. The analysis included 5,180 Regular Force personnel medically released between April 1, 2014 and March 31, 2017. Results: While overall trends in the reasons for medical release were sometimes similar for men and women, statistically significant differences between the medical release reasons of men and women were found in several of the sub-groups considered. These sub-groups included non-commissioned members (NCMs), officers, Air personnel, and members who had not deployed in the 10 years prior to their release, as well as personnel in the earlier and later stages of their career. Discussion: An increased understanding of the differences between medically released men and women is important for the development of future injury and illness prevention strategies, which have the primary objective of improving the health and operational readiness of serving members, as well as a secondary objective of lowering medical attrition rates to improve overall retention in the CAF.

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