Using a Workplace Rehabilitation and Reintegration Program Tracker Tool to Explore Factors Associated With Return to Duty Among Ill/Injured Military Personnel: A Preliminary Analysis
Abstract: A great deal of time and resources have been spent on developing and implementing evidence-based return to work programs over the past few decades, compelling researchers to better understand the factors associated with more favorable outcomes. Using data collected as part of a participant tracking system trial for the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) Return to Duty (RTD) program, analyses were conducted to better understand the trajectories of program participants and identify the factors associated with RTD. Participants included 205 Regular Force CAF members from a single military base located in Eastern Canada who entered the RTD program during the trial period between April 2018 and March 2020. The health condition they were facing was mostly recent (i.e., onset within the past 6 months; 43%) and involved their mental health (67%). Data were collected on various demographic, military, health, and program characteristics using the RTD Data Collection Tool, which was updated periodically by program coordinators. Using data gathered by the Tool, a cumulative incidence function was generated to estimate the overall marginal probability of RTD over the duration of the program. Associations between RTD and a range of factors that were captured using the Tool were also examined in a series of competing-risks regressions. Findings indicated that the rate of RTD among program participants increased at around 3 months and began to level off around 9 months, suggesting that the likelihood of RTD after this window is diminished. Of the many factors that were considered, only years of service and work placement status at 3 months were found to be associated with RTD. Specifically, lower rates of RTD were observed among participants with 15 or more years of service compared to those with less than 5 years of service in the CAF and among those who were not yet assigned a work placement at 3 months relative to those who were. This study represents a first step in addressing the gap in our current knowledge about the characteristics of CAF members participating in the RTD program and the factors associated with RTD. Several recommendations are made for improving the participant tracking system in view of enhancing the level and quality of information that is available to assess participants’ trajectories and inform further development of the program.
Abstract: Disordered eating is a prevalent and relevant health concern that remains understudied among U.S. military veterans. Avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder (ARFID) is a newly recognized feeding and eating disorder characterized by overly restrictive eating due to (a) picky eating, (b) lack of appetite, and (c) fear of aversive consequences related to eating. The Nine-Item ARFID Screen (NIAS) is a recently developed ARFID screening tool with initial validation studies demonstrating psychometric support. However, the psychometric properties of the NIAS have not been investigated in a veteran sample. To advance our understanding of ARFID screening tools that may be appropriate for use in veterans, the present study examined the factor structure of the NIAS using survey data from a large national sample of recently separated veterans (N = 1,486). Measurement invariance across key subgroups was tested in addition to exploring differential associations between the NIAS and related constructs. Results suggested that a three-factor model provided an excellent fit of the data and demonstrated scalar invariance across self-identified men and women, race and ethnicity, and sexual and gender minority (SGM) identity. Some subgroups had higher latent means on the picky eating (women, SGM, non-Hispanic Black), appetite (women, SGM), and fear (women) factors. The NIAS had some overlap with another measure of disordered eating and was moderately correlated with psychosocial impairment and mental health. Overall, the NIAS may be a useful screening tool for ARFID in veterans, given support for the three proposed subscales and equivalence across diverse identities.