PhD Project

Community and Belonging in Higher Education: Exploring the Experiences of Military Veteran Students in Scotland’s Universities

In the higher education context, students’ sense of belonging encompasses feeling valued, included and accepted at university; the complexities of belonging are highlighted in research which consistently emphasises that a multi-dimensional approach is required to enhance belonging (Ahn & Davis, 2020). The lack of understanding of ex-military students’ experiences of transition from military service to accessing and navigating their journey to and through university is highlighted in national and international literature (Cable et al., 2021).

This study is a qualitative exploration of the lived experiences of military veteran students, focusing on belonging in higher education.  This study will potentially impact policy and practice in HE to enhance the student experience for military veterans students in Scottish universities and nationally, to develop effective 
interventions and initiatives in HEIs to provide institutional support for this student population. 


The study aims to explore the lived experiences of military Veteran students and their perceptions of community and belonging in Higher Education Institutes in Scotland. The focus of the study aspires to develop a nuanced conceptual understanding of belonging and community experienced by military Veteran students in Scottish universities. 


To address the significant gap in research of the lived experiences of UK military veteran students, the study employs a qualitative approach; complementary data collection methods comprise of individual, semi-structured, biographical interviews, a participatory visual mapping exercise for belonging in HE, and a focus group to elicit in-depth accounts.