Meeting the Needs of the RAF and RN/RM Family

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In order to provide effective support to the Armed Forces Community, and to ensure that funds are invested in the most relevant and impactful way, service providers require an accurate understanding of the evolving size, demographics and needs of the community. However, there are various gaps in current data and evidence regarding these three measures. Notably, most research on the Armed Forces is carried out at the tri-Service level, where Army Serving personnel, Veterans and families comprise the majority of research samples. As such, RAND Europe is conducting research to capture specific trends and challenges related to Service in the RAF and RN/RM that may not be captured in tri-Service research, specifically at the RAF and RN/RM communities and capture specific trends and challenges related to Service in the RAF and RN/RM that may not be captured in tri-Service research.


This project addresses gaps in existing data and evidence regarding the current and future size, demographics and support needs of the RAF and RN/RM Family. It has four overarching objectives: 

  • Obtain a best estimate of the current size and key demographics of the RAF and RN/RM communities.
  • Estimate the size and demographics of the RAF and RN communities out to 2040.
  • Characterise the support needs of the RAF and RN communities.
  • Identify recommendations for future service provision.


This project uses a mixed method approach which includes:

  • Using publicly available data to estimate the current size and composition of the RAF and RN/RM communities.
  • Forecasting the size and composition of the RAF and RN/RM communities out to 2040, with Monte Carlo Simulations to provide uncertainties for the forecasts.
  • Survey with approximately 1000 Serving Personnel and 400 partners of Serving Personnel.
  • Semi-structured interviews with 40 Serving Personnel and 30 partners of Serving Personnel.
  • Pre-interview questionnaire with 80 Veterans and 40 partners of Veterans.
  • Semi-structured interviews with 80 Veterans and 40 partners of Veterans.
  • Analysis workshops with stakeholders to identify implications and recommendations. 

Research questions

  1. What issues or challenges with regard to day-to-day living, emotional and mental wellbeing, social and family relationships, employment and training, financial wellbeing, and housing have been experienced by Serving RAF and RN/RM personnel and their partners?
  2. How prevalent are these issues and challenges among a sample of RAF and RN/RM personnel and partners? 
  3. What support needs do RAF and RN/RM families have, in light of the identified issues and challenges?
  4. To what extent are the support needs of RAF and RN/RM families being met? What potential gaps exist in the support landscape and what are potential barriers to accessing support?
  5. What do RAF and RN/RM families understand about what support is available to them?

Sample / Participants

  • Survey: 500 RAF Serving Personnel, 500 RN/RM Serving Personnel; 200 Partners of RAF Serving Personnel, 200 Partners of RN/RM Serving Personnel 
  • Interviews: 20 RAF Serving Personnel, 20 RN/RM Serving Personnel, 15 Partners of RAF Serving Personnel, 15 Partners of RN/RM Serving Personnel, 40 RAF Former Serving Personnel, 40 RN/RM Former Serving Personnel, 20 Partners of Former RAF Serving Personnel (including bereaved partners), 20 Partners of Former RN/RM Serving Personnel (including bereaved partners) 
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