Research Community

These pages provide a 'who's who' of UK research centres and researchers conducting research with Serving and ex-Service personnel and their families, including detail of their specific areas of focus and expertise. The purpose of these pages is to connect researchers with shared interests and orientate service providers and policy makers to who is doing research in key areas of interest. If you would like your information added to this page please email [email protected]

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  • Dr Juan Fernando Maestre

    Swansea, United Kingdom

    Fernando is a Lecturer in the Department of Computer at Swansea University. While in the United States, he was a President's Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Minnesota, and obtained a PhD degree in Informatics from the Luddy School of Informatics, Computing, and Engineering at Indiana University. His research investigates the use of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) research methods with vulnerable populations to design technologies with them rather than for them in both in-person and online/remote settings. His research uses surveys, interviews, observation, as well as co-design methods under the lenses of value-sensitive and speculative design to involve stakeholders in the design and development of a more ethical, inclusive, and equitable technology from the very beginning and throughout all the stages of the design process. Ultimately, he strives for amplifying the voice of those who are impacted by technology and allowing researchers and practitioners to be aware of potential negative impacts that such technologies may have on end users and stakeholders.


    • Department of Computer, Swansea University