Research Community

These pages provide a 'who's who' of UK research centres and researchers conducting research with Serving and ex-Service personnel and their families, including detail of their specific areas of focus and expertise. The purpose of these pages is to connect researchers with shared interests and orientate service providers and policy makers to who is doing research in key areas of interest. If you would like your information added to this page please email [email protected]

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  • Dr Gill McGill

    Newcastle, United Kingdom

    Dr Gill McGill is Co-director of the Northern Hub for Veterans and Military Families Research at Northumbria University, supporting its development since 2015. Gill has a growing portfolio of expertise and publications in the field of Veterans and military families research including leading research projects exploring access to health and social care for alcohol-related issues, bereavement, maintaining independence following limb loss and social isolation and loneliness among the LGBT+ Veteran population.  Gill also has significant experience in participant recruitment from ‘hard or reach’/seldom heard populations as well as in the design of peer-informed research projects.  Gill is also employed as an Assistant Professor of Health Policy and Social Care in the Department of Nursing, Midwifery and Health at Northumbria University. Gill has a background in Public Health, working as a commissioner and service provider, and she has extensive experience in project management and strategy development in the NHS, Local Authority and Third Sector settings.


    • Northumbria University