Research Community

These pages provide a 'who's who' of UK research centres and researchers conducting research with Serving and ex-Service personnel and their families, including detail of their specific areas of focus and expertise. The purpose of these pages is to connect researchers with shared interests and orientate service providers and policy makers to who is doing research in key areas of interest. If you would like your information added to this page please email [email protected]

Research Home
  • Veterans & Families Institute for Military Social Research

    Cambridge, United Kingdom

    The Veterans & Families Institute for Military Social Research carries out research, policy development and consultation on the impact of military Service - improving the well-being of Veterans, Service personnel and their families. Their work falls into four key areas of research: Thriving Families, Transition Measurement and Service Improvement, Women and Equalities, and Narrative. They have a growing domestic and international profile and are involved in NATO research on military-to-civilian transition, and sexual violence, as well as collaborative work with international universities.


    • Anglia Ruskin University